Category: Dolly Blog

The Bitch Is Back(ish)

I’m getting closer to finally getting my shit together and shooting new content. I know many of you have been following me for essentially no reason, some of you for years. Let’s erectify that situation, shall we?! πŸ’‹ In the meantime, I’m working on backend stuff like my newly returning and redesigned website….

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Bella Doll’s Statement Regarding Prop 60

The opinions contained herein are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent the official positions of APAG. It may seem like a good idea in theory, but it creates a condom dictatorship that is run by the proponent, Michael Weinstein. He can only be voted out by the legislature, but…

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Sh***le! Marketing

Steven Grooby and I have had a LONG running dialog on the topic of trans porn marketing of which I’m not proud. It kind of got out of control and I wrote a LOT of critical blog and message board posts. I was pushing him to do more to get rid of the…

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The Transsexual National Anthem

“You know you like it, but it drives you insane… you know you like it, but you’re scared of the shame. What you want? What you want?”   Just a reminder, trans-attracted people: if you’re ashamed of it, then that’s on you. And we can smell it on you when you are, so…

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Give A Fuck About A Lifestyle

AKA: Don’t call it a lifestyle; I’ve been here for years.   I decided to write this because I find it silly that cis people consider what transsexuals do to align their minds and bodies a ‘lifestyle,’ not a life CHOICE. The difference between themΒ is that, at least for me, it’s not a…

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