I hear a lot of models and actresses complaining about the way the porn industry operates. It’s quality is shoddy. Talent relations are nearly non-existent. The pay is low. The expectations are high. The guys at the top make all the money. The models take all of the criticism (or else!).

So I have a question: why doesn’t anybody ever do anything about it? Is it because they don’t know how? Because they’re scared? Because they’re happily plugged into The Matrix? Peer pressure? Maybe they’re receiving preferential treatment? Why don’t they cut out the middle man? Why don’t more girls hire people to build their own sites for more control and more revenue? They pay them once, and they’re done. No revenue splitting for the rest of eternity!

Most producers are not necessary for solo sites. And most are also affiliates, so for the solo girls, that means they not only take 50% of your revenue, but so do their hand-selected partners. For instance: if I have a site on SMC and Grooby sells a subscription to it, Grooby gets 50% off the top, and 50% of that goes to SMC. That leaves me with having to do all of the work and pay out of pocket costs such as hair, makeup, wardrobe, location fees, etc for 25%. Even if I sell the subscriptions on my own, my producer still gets 50%. Why? Just because I can’t find a less expensive webmaster or $500 a year for Visa processing? Sure, sometimes you may still have to pay 50% for sales, but you would never have to split your share a second time and sales that result from your own independent marketing would net you 100%!!!

If every solo girl had her own site instead of going onto a network, eventually producers would just continue to act as promoters and run their multigirl sites, which would still help the girls who just need to make a quick buck or increase their exposure but also help promote the girls’ solo sites in a more equitable manner.

The porn industry, and the TS niche in particular, has a business model that we can change… if we work together. And frankly, it should change. Porn companies have been accused (and largely convicted) of financial exploitation for decades. That said, they have the clout to retain an income even if every girl in the world goes independent, as they could become resellers, which will simultaneous allow them to lose their stigma as exploiters. That’s good for not only their brand images, but the image of the industry in general. Porn models and actresses could legitimately be looked at as entrepreneurs.
